Athlete, Speaker, Writer

A man with a passion for adventure, sport and continually pushing the boundaries of what is thought to be possible. Marcus’ desire to take on new challenges has seen him travel the world, compete in some of the toughest sporting events, climb mountains, and complete all three cycling Grand Tours in one year.

Each time he takes on a new challenge he has a great sense of exhilaration, coupled with very real trepidation. On the one hand a great adventure is about to begin, and on the other, a quiet voice wonders if he really has the ability to do it, or if this time he’s stretched himself too far.

Whether standing still at the top of a mountain in awe of nature, crossing the finishing line exhausted and in pain, or facing his next challenge with excitement and a touch of impatience, Marcus’ experiences and the lessons learned have led to him being invited to talk to audiences around the world about his adventures to; sports organisations, international businesses, corporations and schools about the moments of fear and failure, the triumphs and successes and all the emotions that have accompanied his journey.

Marcus has also been regularly commissioned to write for magazines, both print and online, and has been published in the UK, the US, Australia and around the world.